After two successful Phoenix Beerduros, the fever is picking up and it was time for a
PMP Beerduro, hosted by TacoBeer, cstem, MTBDennis and Dave (?)....well, I'm pretty sure it was Dave's house we crashed. Dan? hmph...this is the trouble when beer and fun is involved. They did a great job and the turnout was pretty damn good, with about 30 riders making it out. For those not in the know, a Beerduro is like and enduro, but better. You ride as a group, but get timed on a few sections, mostly downhill, but some climbing is involved, and also chug a beer mid-ride which is timed. This is mulitplied by three and added to the ride time. You get bonus time off for Mulligans, such as best costume/helmet, coolest act on course, picking up some trash, best crash, most blood, most beer carried in a pack etc. Basically anything you want. And beer is often consumed throughout.
We'd set off from 7th Ave, and ride the west-side of PMP, over to Cave Creek Rd. with segments on and off of T100. Cstem unfortunately missed a flight back into town, so TacoBeer and MTBDennis took up timing duties. Kudos to them since, even though it doesn't sound like a lot of work, I'm sure it is. Is the Beerduro competitive? Sure, if you want it to be - but not really. You could easily lose to some chap that chugged a beer in five seconds, carried a twelve pack, picked up three pieces of trash, broke and arm and was wearing a dress. The Beerduro is about getting out, getting on the bike, meeting the community, sharing stories and riding bikes and drinking beer. There's plenty of other places to compete for time and get your kit dirty if you need a fix. However, lots of people do give it the college try.
There was no mistaking where the Beerduro was to start. |
Sign in and take a number (thanks to freeskier for the plates). |
TacoBeer showing the coveted first place prize. |
Fastest effin rider. Damn straight. Unless you can chug a beer in six seconds. You might win with that, and someone did. |
Time to herd these cats. |
Taking off at 7pm semi-sharp, we caught the first segment in the daylight just at the golden hour. What better way to start the Beerduro! |
TacoBeer explaining the course with carrot in hand. |
Sugarhigh, the reigning champion of all things Beerduro, and forefather of all things Beerduro, sets up for Test #1. He set the first Beerduro up at Hawes last year, which I missed due to a malfunctioning body part. |
MTBDennis stepping up to take on timing duties. Kdimon off on Test #1. |
The great thing about the Beerduro is that you get to meet lots of folks you may only know virtually online, and others you otherwise might not run into. Rick taking off on what I think was his first Beerduro. |
The end of Test #1 had a jump line. Longest distance gets bonus time subtracted. |
Tyson with some serious airtime! He just about ran me into the bushes too. |
A little nose heavy, but it'll do. Not sure who the rider is. So many people I didn't get to chat with! It's always nice to put screen names to real folks. |
Another nice monsoon season sunset. |
We had some good jumpers. I think AZRickD too the title today with a jump of some odd feet. |
It's a goddam convention! |
Love was in the air. Love of riding that is. |
Some DruncCyclist joes showed up as well, but Casual Observer's massive quads broke his crank on Test #1 so he was out. Who figured DC fellas would be into a Beerduro? |
Nighttime drops as we make our way over to Test #2. Cool thing about PMP is you get tunnels under the major thoroughfares. |
Test #2 starts in nice enduro fashion with a set of stairs. |
Hitting them with lights for the first time will get you focused. Good thing this wasn't Test #4. |
Sugarhigh aims for the center. The right railing almost got one or two riders. |
Zippity Doo-da! |
From up on the hill you could see the test being played out. I totally flubbed this one and missed the turn. It was marked, but I thought it was blocking a turn, not demarcating one. derp. |
Was this a Beerduro or a Blotterduro? |
Timing is serious business. |
Getting thirty bikes together you're bound to have some flats and mechanicals. |
Casual Observer makes it back out to the group minus his crank!...and bike. |
TacoBeer takes off on Test #2. I hope the bar end lights earned him extra points. |
Yeah, timing looks like a bit of work. Riders were sent off in 30 second intervals. With 30 riders, that's 15 minutes to get everyone out! |
Test #2 takes us under Cave Creek Rd to the beer stash. We were wondering if we'd find it unmolested, or find the happiest transient in the world. |
Timing: you gotta sit down for this. |
"Alright everyone, lets go! Oh, wait, we're getting late on time. Everyone come back!" |
The desert gives back. |
Time ends when the empty can hits the ground. If it's foaming, pick that bitch up and finish it! |
Chug. Chug. Chug. |
Mtn-Rider taking the sceninc route on the beer chug. It got a little foamy. Pick that beer up and finish it! We were all chuckling pretty good. |
TacoBeer was off his game tonight. Too distracted with responsibility, even though he crushed it good at Hawes. Winning time was about six seconds. I got in under ten at 9.84 seconds. Goal complete. |
Is this what they call collateral damage? |
Hey, we clean up. Pack it in, pack it out. |
The valley has a luminescent beauty to it at night. |
Test #3 was an uphill climb. Short, but after chugging a beer and enjoying another one or two from the pack it was some work. I lost focus and rode myself off the trail and two passed me. Such shame. |
I was kinda busy taking some snaps, but it was cool chatting people up between runs when I wasn't setting up some shots. |
Back at home base. Usually the times are tallied and winners declared, but with thirty people, the task was bit overwhelming. No one much cared. We'll see the results soon enough, and there's always Strava for those that play, if you're curious. AZRickD had longest jump and fasted beer chug, so he was declared winner for the night. |
Another big success for the Beerduro Series. That makes a Hawes one, Gold Canyon one (which I missed) and two more upcoming at FINS and Phoenix Sonoran Preserve. Love it! Keep it fun and it should be around for a while.
I think Mtn-Rider got the spirit of the Beerduro just right with his very informative info-graphic. Well done!
Test #1
Yeah, I jacked this one up and it's not coming up for me. Strava search is useless to find it.